Odour Digestor™ removes urine odours and other stains and smells caused by pets, blood spilled milk, vomit, and rotten food. It is a bio-enzyme cleaner that literally digests organic matter. The active enzymes in the formula completely remove and eliminate those hard-to-get-rid-of smells. Odour Digestor™ is also highly effective at blood stain removal and will remove blood stains on carpets, upholstery, and even porous concrete or bricks! Unlike chemical-based products that claim to remove urine odor and other smells, Odour Digestor™ does not mask the smell. The active enzymes completely remove the organic matter causing the bad smell. It is 100% environmentally friendly and not harmful to pets or humans. (Odour Digestor™ does not contribute to pollution as it contains no phenols or phosphates.)
Usage Cost (Rand per Litre):
Dilution Ratio: As per Directions
Benefits: Urine, dog pee, cat wee, refuse bins, vomit, spilled milk, pet mess and blood, Food processing plants, especially fish Cleaning textiles: carpets, curtains and upholstery, Old age homes, Potty training accidents ,Forensic cleaning ,Hospital laundry cleaning, Organic stain removal on carpets
Environmental Impact:
Suitable Areas Of Use: Enzymatic cleaners like Odour Digestor™ eliminates foul odours at the source, Works on a wide range of organic smells including vomit, urine, blood, milk spills, refuse bins and pet mess. Easy to apply harmless to humans and animals ,Because it removes the urine, milk, vomit, food or blood, Odour Digestor™Does not leave a masking smell ,Removes stains along with the odour, Guaranteed to work!
Product Mix: Ready to Use
Application: Trigger Spray
PH Level:
Operator Use: Any
Drain Eco-Friendly:
PPE: Standard
Water Requirement: Cold
Minimum Order: 1